About Us

Our Mission: The New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center is the management and labor jointly funded Apprentice, Journeymen Retraining, Educational and Industry Fund (AJREIF) of the New York City District Council of Carpenters Benefit Funds. We train apprentices in six New York State Department of Labor approved apprenticeship programs resulting in the most skilled and safety consciousness carpenters working for the signatory contractors of the New York City District Council of Carpenters. Through training at this facility, our members are able to learn and master their skills, making them the most productive carpenters and keeping our union contractors competitive and successful.

The New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center (CTC) is a highly successful trade school jointly sponsored by the members and contributing signatory contractors of the New York City District Council of Carpenters. The NYCDCC Training Center trains the next generation of highly skilled, knowledgeable and safety conscious carpenters who will continue to build the skyline of New York City.

The Carpenters Training Center is home to six different New York State Department of Labor approved apprentice programs; General Building Carpenter, Dock Builder/Timberman, Millwright, Cabinet Maker, High Rise Concrete Carpenter, and Floor Coverer. All programs except the five year cabinet maker program are four year apprenticeship programs, which are a combination of On-the-Job-Training and Related Instruction through classroom and shop training at the Carpenters Training Center.

Apprentices accepted into the NYCDCC Training Center are expected to attend no less than 144 hours of related classroom instruction which includes, health and safety instruction, blueprint reading, drywall installation, concrete forms, house framing, welding, floor covering, cabinet making, steam turbine generator installation and maintenance to name a few possibilities. Apprentices are also required to perform on the job training for at least 1300 hours per year practicing what they have learned in school and perfecting their skills.

We offer a full roster of Journey level skills classes, certification classes, qualification classes and health and safety classes to keep our carpenters on the forefront of excellence.

Training received at the CTC is state of the art in construction methodologies and worth college credit recommendations! We are the premier trade school in NYC preparing carpenters and related trades for the exciting industry of construction. Apprentices are entitled to join the union and receive all the wages and benefits of the most highly compensated carpenters in New York City.


Time: 6:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: New York, NY
Time: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: New York, NY

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