The deadline for SST training has been extended to March 1, 2021. For more details on this and to apply for your card, visit our SST page here: https://nyccarpenterstrainingcenter.org/sst/



Please be advised; March 1, 2021 is the deadline to obtain your SST Card for NYC DOB jobs. Starting March 2021 you will be required to have your SST (Site Safety Training) Card in order to enter a jobsite. It is essential that you stay conscious of the classes that you might be missing for the SST Card. You may sign-up for any of the classes needed by referring to the link below:

Remote Learning Sign-Up Form: https://forms.gle/5XF4fQUVZTH5Fs2GA

Once you've been scheduled for the classes you signed-up for, you will receive further notifications containing instructions via email. You may also scan your TVC card to see the classes you've been scheduled for. Please be sure to check your junk/ spam folders frequently.

The following SST classes are being provided online via the platform of ZOOM:

  • 30 Hour OSHA course
  • 8 Hour Fall Protection course
  • 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness course

Platform Information:

As it would be less than responsible under the current conditions to conduct class sessions in the conventional manner at the school in NYC, NYCDCCTC has found a way to provide you the classes you need via the platform of ZOOM. You can attend the session from home through a method of distance learning.
Through the Zoom platform, members can enter a virtual classroom with a live video view of the instructor, interact with them, ask questions, and more.

Device Information:

It is recommended that you use a computer or laptop, however, you may use your cellphone. Your device must have a camera, as both audio and visual proof of attendance is required. Please be informed the session must be recorded in accordance with NYC DOB requirements. You need to download the latest Zoom App on to your device and register with Zoom with the same email.

You may reach out by emailing us at rsvptc@nycdcctc.org

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