New York City District Council of Carpenters - Training Center

(Having trouble logging in? Call 212-727-2224)


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May 22, 2020 – 3:30PM EST

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To NYCDCCTC Apprentices:

The NYCDCC Training Center hopes that all is well with you, your families, and coworkers in these unprecedented times. As everyone is aware, the CTC was forced to shut our doors to our membership due to the COVID-19 pandemic as of March 18, 2020. The CTC is still operational and our staff (although minimal) has been answering the Training Center calls (at 212-727-2224) and servicing our member’s needs. We are working diligently to reopen the CTC to our members, bearing in mind the NYS Government Restrictions and following the CDC’s guidelines while keeping our members safety first priority.

We are preparing for the return of the apprentices with either remote distance learning programs & online classes or by hands on training once the restrictions are lifted, and we are permitted to reopen our doors for members.

We started distance learning online SST classes for our members. Below is a list of classes that are currently available. Please register on our website at

  • 2 Hr. Drug and Alcohol Awareness
  • 8 Hr. Fall Protection
  • 30 Hr. OSHA
  • 8 Hr. Bundle 1
  • 8 Hr. Chapter 33
  • 4 Hr. Bundle 2
  • 4 Hr. Supported Scaffold

These online classes successfully completed will be credited toward your total Apprenticeship hours and upgrades. We are also reviewing all Mandatory Apprentice class hours for apprentice upgrades. We continue to work with the NYSDOL, while staying within your apprenticeship guidelines, to give apprentices credit for classes taken up and above their mandatory apprenticeship requirements that are deemed relevant to their trade. E.G; evening classes, Journey Level skill enhancement classes and safety training.

We will continue to notify you the same way we have in the past via Robo calls, email & text messages. Please feel free to email us at if you have any questions or concerns. You can also call the Training Center at (212) 727-2224. We do realize that most of your concerns are related to upgrading to the next level. We understand and are doing everything in our power to ensure our apprentices can and will be upgraded. But we need your help. We are creating opportunities for apprentices to take distance learning online classes. If there are online classes being offered that you know you need and can take, especially pertaining to Covid19 and SST, please take them. They will be recognized in the program. This includes the UBC LMS online classes being offered by our International Training Center. Visit to login.

We are working to keep you moving forward in this program. We will need your cooperation in order to achieve this. We are all in this together. These Distance Learning Programs will help us move you forward in a timely fashion. We are excited to step into the “New Normal” way of learning.

Stay tuned into what is happening at the school by checking into the NYC Carpenters Training Center’s website at Spread the word to the other Apprentices on the jobsites. We will be back in action as soon as possible.

Be well and stay safe.

Respectfully yours in solidarity,

Peter Bennett
Director of Training           

Richard Wong
Assistant Director

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